
Showing posts from March 20, 2024

Nabs apparel family clothing man woman and kids Empowering Single Mothers, One Stitch at a Time"

 NABS Apparel: Empowering Single Mothers, One Stitch at a Time" As a single mother, juggling the responsibilities of parenting while pursuing your dreams can feel like walking a tightrope. But for me, it's also been an incredible journey of resilience and empowerment, thanks to my brand NABS Apparel. When I first became a single mother, I faced countless challenges. From balancing work and childcare to managing finances on a single income, every day presented a new obstacle. However, amidst the chaos, I found solace in my passion for fashion and design. NABS Apparel started as a small idea, born out of my love for creating stylish and comfortable clothing. With determination and grit, I turned that idea into a reality, starting with just a few pieces sewn together at my kitchen table. Little did I know, those humble beginnings would pave the way for something much greater. As the brand grew, so did my confidence as a single mother and entrepreneur. With each stitch, I felt a s